halloween garage door decor

Spooktacular Halloween Garage Door Décor Ideas

Dress Up Your Garage Door This Halloween

Now that October is finally here, it’s time to start thinking of decorating your home for Halloween, which falls on Friday October 31st of this year, and while you could choose to go the traditional route by breaking out the orange and black decorations, we want you to think bigger.

Halloween for 2014 is big business – and big fun for all ages.

In fact, according to recent studies completed by the National Retail Federation, more than two-thirds of all American’s are set to spend an estimated $7.4 billion on Halloween. This estimation includes such expenditures as costumes (Elsa’s, The Flash, and Star-Lords; oh my), candy and home decorations.

It won’t be long – if you haven’t already – before you see pumpkins, scarecrows, ghouls, skeletons, cemeteries and more dotting the neighborhood; so why not get a jump start of the festivities by outfitting your garage door with one of these spooktacular garage door décor ideas.

Halloween Garage Door Decor Idea #1 – Black Alley

Supplies Needed:

  • 20’ x 100’ roll of black plastic sheeting
  • Your choice of individual Halloween decorations (i.e. cobwebs, branches, witches brooms, headstones, jack-o-lanterns, etc.)

Decorations: using the black plastic sheeting drape it across your garage door’s railing – you should unplug the opener to ensure it doesn’t accidentally close – and then go wild with the individual decorations; but remember to have a bowl of candy inside for all of those little (and not so little) trick-or-treaters.

Halloween Garage Door Decor Idea #2 – Spine Chilling Silhouettes

Supplies Needed:

  • Black construction paper
  • A White Crayon
  • Scissors
  • Tape

Decorations: Why not use your garage door as a blank canvas? Trace out the outline of spiders, crows, cats, and bats on the black construction paper and then cut them out and tape them onto your garage door. If your door includes windows, don’t forget to use the available space.

Halloween Gargae Door Decor Idea #3 – Wicked Webs

Supplies Needed:

  • Glow in the dark cobwebs
  • 2 black light bulbs
  • Push pins or tacks (the same color as the bob webs)

Decorations: Using the glow-in-the-dark cobwebs cover as much of your garage door as possible with the material by stretching and then securing the web with thumb tacks. Replace both of your driveways lights with the black light bulbs and behold your eerie front yard.